Bullet Girls NoNpDrm Download | revolves around a group of high school girls whom are part of their school’s Ranger Club, alternately known as the Ranger Corps, which trains them on using weapons and different types of military missions used on battlefields. There are a variety of missions within the game ranging from offensive to defensive, each with a variety of objectives, which include wiping out enemy forces, reaching a specific point on the map, collecting items and teaming up with other club members who will then engage in combat with the player. Release Date: Aug 09, 2018Genre: Third Person ShootingPublisher: D3 PublisherDeveloper: ShadeRegion: JPN (Region free)Language: ENG PatchPlatform: PS VITAGame ID: PCSH10099Rom Type: VPK/MAI/NoNpDrmDownload Links: 766 MB
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MEGA DRIVE Download Links:——————————————————– Bullet Girls – USA (766 MB) OR MULTIUP Download Links:——————————————————– Bullet Girls – USA (766 MB) For Extracting Rar Files Use WinRAR or 7zip Install .VPK File Using FTP-PS Vita-VPK-Installer, Vita Organizer , MaiDumpTool OR NoNpDrm Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.